Child Support

Every able-bodied person capable of earning a livelihood or has assets must support his or her minor children dependent upon him or her for their support.

South Carolina adopted child support guidelines to determine the amount of child support.

Those guidelines are based on each parent's gross monthly income, or where one parent may not be earning at his or her greatest capacity, their ability to earn income. The support of other children, the cost of insurance, and the cost of work related daycare are also part of the calculation.

The guidelines have three schedules: Schedule A where the noncustodial parent has fewer than 109 overnight visits per year. Schedule B where one party is the primary custodial parent of one or more children while the other party is the primary custodial parent of the other child or children. Schedule C where the noncustodial parent has more than 109 overnights visits per year. Schedule C is optional--not mandatory-- with the trial judge. Disputes over the appropriate schedule and the correct figures to use in the schedule can make thousands of dollars difference in the amount of child support awarded.

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Rock Hill SC 29730-3532
Phone 803-327-4151

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